Bollywood actor Neil Nitin Mukesh, a father of a 2 year old girl has recently shared his opinion about modern-age online education in light of his experience with Flintoclass@HOME, a subsidiary of Flinto Learning Solutions.
Unlike all other edtechs of today’s time that keep children glued to mobile and tablet devices, Flintoclass@HOME provides a unique avenue of early childhood education through its ‘preschool in a box’, as a comprehensive learning solution for Nursery, Pre-KG, LKG and UKG children.
Flintoclass has also tied up with a network of schools across India to provide priority admissions to Grade 1, for children graduating from the Flintoclass@HOME preschool program.
The company in July last year raised $7.2 million in its Series-B round, led by Lightbox Ventures.
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