IAMAI – Mobile 10X Selects TravelDilSe As The Next Incubated Start-up

New Delhi, India: TravelDilSe, an AI-powered one-stop virtual travel specialist that curates worldwide holiday experiences has been selected as one of the next set of incubated start-ups by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) Mobile 10X, a forum to nurture and grow the apps ecosystem in India by bringing together various stakeholders.


TravelDilSe is among the 17 incubated start-ups at Mobile 10X. The incubator will provide guidance and mentorship by industry experts, networking and collaborating opportunities, training to enhance the skill and talent of the start-up team and challenging tasks to nurture the skillset.

On being selected at Mobile 10x, Ms. Sumita Tulsiani, Co-founder & Director, TravelDilSe, said, “Mobile 10X is a great platform to learn grow a business. Getting selected as one of the incubated start-ups at a place of such a repute is an achievement for us. We are really looking forward to the trainings and mentorship at the incubator, which will help us to scale up our business in a right way.”

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Mr. Jitender Minhas, CEO, IAMAI Startup Foundation (Mobile10X), said, “TravelDiSe provides a very well-curated travel itinerary and seamless end-to-end travel experience to the travellers. It has taken away one big pain point by using AI and ML in their product to make your vacation a pleasurable experience and not a drudgery. IAMAI provides all the support to the startups who build next-generation tech solutions using emerging technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, AR-VR, IoT, Cloud etc.”

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