For many years, indulging in board games has been one of the favourite pastimes of millions of individuals. Earlier, when technology had not peaked, enthusiasts of board games like ludo had to purchase physical ludo boards with tokens to play the game. However, things have changed now.
Thanks to the digitalization of the world, ludo enthusiasts can easily indulge in the popular board game with their friends virtually by downloading and installing online ludo game on their respective devices.
Even though ludo was very popular among the masses long before the COVID-19 virus struck the world, the classic board game’s popularity soared significantly during the pandemic for numerous reasons. This article will state how and why ludo’s popularity skyrocketed during the pandemic. Let us begin:
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Easy Accessibility Made the Game A Household Name
The COVID pandemic struck the world without prior notice. All of a sudden, the world diverted from its original way of functioning. People were confined to the walls of their homes without any light at the end of the tunnel. However, amongst the dark clouds that the pandemic brought, there were some silver linings in the form of coping mechanisms, out of which indulging in ludo became a major one.
As mentioned earlier, the game was already famous. Sadly, most people did not pay attention to the ludo boards kept in their house’s board game stash. However, when people were forced to quarantine, their minds went towards an activity in which multiple people could have fun together, i.e., playing ludo.
Those who had physical ludo boards at their homes started indulging in ludo matches daily with their family members or friends who lived nearby. Those who did not, turned towards online ludo games, which were readily accessible to the masses. With only their smartphones and stable Internet connections, individuals residing in different parts of the country started indulging in ludo games virtually. This is how ludo’s popularity started increasing.
Ludo’s Simple Rules and Gameplay Appealed to the Masses
The COVID pandemic lasted for a long time in most regions around the globe. Thus, people had to find ways to maintain their sanity and composure during tough times. Indulging in ludo became one of them. When the pandemic restrictions were lessened, the sale of physical ludo boards skyrocketed. One of the primary reasons for this was that people of all ages started indulging in ludo games.
Even though many board games offer individuals an escape from reality, ludo is the only one that has simple rules and gameplay. Due to this aspect of the classic board game, everyone, irrespective of their age group, started playing ludo matches with their friends and family members. Doing so not only helped them have fun during dark times but also facilitated them to cherish quality time with their loved ones.
It became a Medium Which Connected People
As soon as the COVID pandemic wrapped the world in its deathly grip, all borders and transportation services around the world were shut down. This resulted in millions of people from different walks of life being unable to reach their homes. Some remained quarantined in different states, whereas others got stranded in different countries. Ludo, especially the online iterations of the game, significantly helped people cope with loneliness and distance.
Besides talking to their loved ones via phone or video calls, individuals started playing virtual ludo matches with their friends or family members residing in different parts of the country or globe. In a way, it would not be wrong to say that the classic board game of ludo helped bring millions of people closer to their loved ones despite being away from each other physically. Furthermore, besides featuring generic elements, most ludo games featured additional options such as in-game text and voice chat options, which significantly contributed to individuals playing the game religiously.
The Game’s Proven Health Benefits Contributed to Its Popularization
Besides taking a physical toll on the health of individuals all around the globe, the pandemic as a whole had a catastrophic effect on the mental health of the masses. Not being able to step out of their homes for any sort of recreational activities filled individuals with stress and anxiety. However, indulging in ludo facilitated individuals to reduce their stress and anxiety.
The classic strategy-based board game is proven to benefit players in numerous ways. For instance, it has a positive impact on players’ blood pressure. Besides this, it helps them remain stress-free, enhancing their analytical thinking and cognitive skills.
People who started indulging in ludo regularly during the pandemic noticed how the game affected them positively. As a result, a word about the game’s benefits spread, encouraging more people to try it out and experience the advantages themselves. Hence, the classic board game became a fan-favourite during turbulent times and emerged as the most popular indoor game during the pandemic.
Final Thoughts
Even though people tried all kinds of activities and games during the COVID-19 pandemic, one game they could not get enough of was ludo. As to statistics, the sale of physical ludo boards and downloads of online ludo games exponentially increased since the pandemic started. Even today, when the world has almost returned to normalcy, ludo is still played by millions of people all around the globe every day, both offline and online. Hence, it would be safe to say that ludo’s popularity will continue to surge in the near future.
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