Your ultimate guide to introducing employees to your business

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For growing startups, choosing to take on employees can be a daunting prospect, especially if you have previously performed all of the necessary tasks that every business needs to do alone. If you are planning to work with employees in the near future, here is everything that you need to do first.

Focus on Health and Safety

Although you might be focused on making your business more efficient and managing it more effectively, it is just as important to focus on health and safety when you start onboarding employees. Not only will your company get a poor reputation if you do not look after your employees, but you may find yourself having to pay out a lot in compensation, failing to be compliant with laws and regulations, and seeing production come to a standstill while your team members are off sick. To make sure that your company’s health and safety procedures are a priority at all times, you should consider sending all of your managers and supervisors on an IOSH Managing Safely course with Skills Training Group.

Create an Organizational Structure

It is important for those that you employ to know where they stand within your company at any one time, including who is above them in the hierarchy and those that they are responsible for leading. To make this clear, you need to set out a simple organizational structure that can be both efficient, make sure that everyone is managed effectively, and ensure that tasks are delegated between your employees. You should also make sure that all of the roles within your business are well-defined and do not overlap, as this will allow all of your employees to know exactly what their responsibilities are and can prevent conflict.

Have a Great Recruitment Process

However, your ability to give your employees a great experience with your company starts from the moment that they send in their job applications. Therefore, you need to have an excellent recruitment process in place to make sure that you can employ the best individuals for each available role. For instance, you might decide to have a multi-stage recruitment process that involves an application form, a phone interview, and an in-person interview. You might also decide to use HR software to filter all of the applications so that you are left with only those that meet your skills and experience criteria for the role in question.

Make Communication Two-Way

You must ensure that your employees are satisfied with working for your company, though, or else you may find that you have a high employee turnover rate. You should make communication two-way within your company, encouraging your team members to offer you feedback and to come to you with any issues that they are facing. This will enable you to isolate any problems that are occurring and will help you to make your business more efficient and a more fulfilling place for both your team and yourself.

Offer training to employees

Training is an excellent way to boost morale and improve your employee’s skill set. As jobs change and grow within a company, an employee should feel confident they can still achieve the goals set. While the cost of training is an investment for any business, the return is often much greater if organizations consistently encourage ongoing education.

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Sakshi Kumar
Sakshi Kumar

Ex-Features Writer at LAFFAZ. Sakshi writes resource guides around various topics and industries including: Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, E-Commerce, Education, Logistics, Real Estate, Banking, and Travel. Sakshi utiliszes her Marketing skills and knowledge to educate aspiring bloggers and marketers.

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