The problems associated with reducing screen time

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It’s undeniable that the world is full of screens. It’s quite odd to think how many there are now compared to just 20 years ago.

Screen time is at its highest and it’s understandable why people may want to reduce theirs if they feel it’s taking over their lives a bit. Having said that though, there is a lot of stigma around high amounts of time on screens and it often misses the mark with the point it’s trying to make.

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While the overuse of devices may have some effects, the focus lies too much on just screen time in general and doesn’t go into specifics.

Your profession needs screens

Firstly, the idea of reducing your screen time often doesn’t properly address the differences in people’s lives. One individual might need to spend a lot of time on their devices while another might not.

Let’s say you’re a graphic designer, would the idea of reducing your screen time to a couple of hours a day be very realistic in your field of work? This is the same for anyone who works in an office environment or many remote roles. Someone who is a coder or a video editor can’t really promise themselves to cut back on their screen time that much.

These people shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about looking at screens for so long, especially when many devices have become so advanced that they tackle the potential issues from said high screen time.

However, sticking to a couple of hours a day is realistic if you’re something like a baker or anyone else who doesn’t require the devices to make a living.

The type of screen

Another issue is the focus on all screens, instead of the biggest culprit – phones. Why feel guilty about a couple of hours watching TV in the evening to unwind simply because some people have a bad smartphone habit?

The world of tech is also catching up with the needs of those who use devices a lot and finding ways to reduce potential harm. From settings you can implement to reduce potential eyestrain to notification options that prompt you to take short breaks, Laptops like the ones you can find on places like can be a writer or IT specialist’s greatest asset.

Should you try anyway?

So, what is the answer? If the idea of reducing screen time being a good thing isn’t as useful guidance as it may first appear, what should people do about their screen uses?

The truth is, much like many things in life, moderation and your personal circumstances are the two most important factors to consider. If you need to use screens a lot in the day for your job, you’re going to be fighting a losing battle when trying to reduce it. On the other hand though, if you find yourself wasting hours just scrolling on your phone, it might be a good idea to try and cut down.

While it would be much simpler if one statement like “reducing your screen time is good” worked for everyone, that’s just not the case. You can reduce your time on devices where you need to but otherwise you shouldn’t feel guilty for spending a lot of time on them.

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