Saudi’s WorkHint upgrades to SaaS Management Software

Featured image: Hrant Abelyan (L) CTO, and Mahmood AlAbbas, CEO at WorkHint; Credits: Supplied


▸ Organizations can easily expedite shift to platform-based business model

Ash Sharqiyah, Saudi Arabia-based WorkHint that offers consulting and management information software has recently launched a new B2B software-as-a-service (SaaS) management software that helps organisations create a matching platform for different business functions that in turn helps reduce operational costs, improve the accessibility to resources, and fosters communication between a supply and demand network.

The company previously was a marketplace for connecting management consultants with SMEs to reduce management consultancy services cost on SMEs. The new SaaS platform has a number of use-cases and functions such as advisory, mentorship, telemedicine, freelance management, part-timer’s management, and several others. With the new management software, organizations can create a platform using WorkHint in three simple steps: name supply and demand, choose request type, and invite users. The management software helps simplify task scheduling, task tracking and invoicing to enable businesses to launch a marketplace model for different business functions.

Founded in 2015, by CEO & co-founder Mahmood AlAbbas and co-founder & CTO, Hrant Abelyan, WorkHint launched as a marketplace platform for SMEs at a time when the model for two-sided network was very popular. The platform was meant to connect SMEs with independent management consultants who are alumni of big firms and reduce management consultancy services costs. Since then the product has been regularly enhanced with minimal spending on marketing by using the network effect concept. The projects have attracted several leading consultants to work with WorkHint.

WorkHint streamlines the business activities with powerful software automation features for each point in the user’s journey such as customers looking to connect to the supply network, clients looking to automate manual tasks and management and finance teams looking to track costs.

A number of big names which have adopted WorkHint’s new SaaS offering include Wa’ed, Aramco’s entrepreneurship arm, Aramco Entrepreneurship Center, Badir Technology Incubators and Accelerators Program, Wadi Makkah, and several others.

Commenting on the development, Mahmood AlAbbas, CEO & co-founder of WorkHint in a statement said,

“Since we founded WorkHint in 2013 we are proud of our milestone achievements to-date. With our latest product, the all-new SaaS platform can help organizations to quickly go digital. Launching our product at the right time helped some leading companies to battle the storm using WorkHint during the current crisis. With the new range of plans, we are pleased to offer a free service besides the two other paid options to encourage growth and better support in-production applications for enterprises. Our ongoing strategy is to continuously offer products at minimum setup time and cost to help traditional organizations with digital capabilities especially to keep abreast of the current working-from-home normal since COVID-19. Looking forward we are confident WorkHint will forge ahead to be pioneers in this space.”

WorkHint provides companies access to three main dashboards:

  1. a primary admin dashboard for the matchmaker,
  2. a demands dashboard for demand network viewing lists of supplies, send requests, and work with them, and
  3. a supply dashboard to receive requests and deliver projects or tasks.

The onboarding process involves an invitation link to onboard the users, a messaging system for communicating, a video call facility with easy booking and scheduling. Besides an additional feature to generate invoices automatically by tracking the number of hours.

Recent statistics reveal only around 3 percent established global companies adopt an effective platform strategy and this has caused many large companies to struggle during the current Covid situation. There is a huge market to be tapped and WorkHint has great opportunities ahead to bridge that gap. The new platform can help enterprises implement a multi-sided platform model for business functions at economical costs, manage efficient remote working and facilitate communication between a huge number of users.

WorkHint closed a seed funding round from 500 Startups in December 2019

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