Salah is Islam’s second pillar. Only preceded by belief in the Oneness and Unity of Allah (SWT), it holds great significance in the lives of billions of Muslims globally. The five daily prayers are the only obligatory worship done multiple times daily.
As with every commandment and duty that Allah (SWT) has prescribed to us, there is great wisdom behind the five obligatory prayers. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ) reported the following tradition:
Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: “The five prayers, and Al-Jumuah (the Friday prayer) to Al-Jumuah are atonement for what is between them, as long as the major sins have not been committed.” [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Book 2, Hadith 66]
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This means that any Muslim who refrains from major sins and offers Salah regularly along with the other pillars of faith will have nothing to fear on the Day of Judgement. To understand the spiritual significance of Salah, it is necessary to highlight its essence.
Salah-The Daily Obligatory Worship
Salah refers to the five daily prayers that every Muslim should offer at prescribed times. Some exceptions exist, such as those who are not of sound mind or menstruating women. Other than this, Salah is among the most important pillars of faith, without which our belief is incomplete.
The five daily prayers were made obligatory in the 10th year of Prophethood on the occasion of al-Isra and Miraj, the Night Journey, and the Ascension. The following tradition is narrated by Hazrat Anas bin Malik (رَضِيَ ٱللَّٰهُ عَنْهُ):
“On the Night of Isra, fifty prayers were made obligatory upon the Prophet. Then it was decreased until it was made five. Then it was called out: ‘O Muhammad! Indeed My Word does not change; these five prayers will be recorded for you as fifty.'” [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Book 2, Hadith 65]
The gift of prayer was given by Allah (SWT) to us. Allah (SWT) does not need to be glorified by us as He makes it clear in the following verses of Surah Fatir:
“O men, it is you who stand in need of God. As for God, He is above all need, worthy of praise.” [35:15]
The verse quoted above indicates how Allah (SWT) is completely Self-Sufficient. He is above any need or want. If He had wanted worship or praise, then angels would have been more than suitable for the task because He could have commanded a faction of them to perform Salah throughout the day.
Salah is for us. It is necessary to highlight the spiritual benefits of daily prayer at the prescribed times to see how it benefits us.
Spiritual Benefits of Salah
Here is how Salah guides us and protects us spiritually:
1. Keeps us Connected to Allah (SWT)
Praying five times daily keeps us closely connected to Allah (SWT). We may be burdened by our daily tasks or occupied with worldly matters, however, when we stand in prayer we forget all those issues. The prayer direction towards the Holy Kaaba in Makkah holds immense significance, as do the other rituals involving Salah.
No matter what we may be doing in a day, we are constantly reminded of Allah Almighty (SWT) through Salah. Hearing the Adhan, the call to prayer, rushing for ablution and preparing ourselves for prayer keep us focused on Allah (SWT).
2. Brings Discipline to Our Life
Each of the five prayers must be prayed on or within the prescribed timeframe. All the prayers are based on the natural rhythm of day and night. The timings of the prayers ensure that we are living our lives in harmony with nature.
Fajr prayer allows us to wake up before sunrise so we can start our day early. While Isha’s prayer is an indication of the time we should go to sleep at night. This structure and discipline overflows to other areas of our life. We become more attuned to the natural rhythm of life.
3. Enables Us to Focus on What Matters
Our worldly life and the problems we face daily can be very consuming. We are constantly distracted by the demands of work, relationships, and other similar commitments. Salah cancels all the white noise. It puts everything into perspective and gives us clarity on the things that truly matter.
It is easy to get caught up in trivial affairs, like having a hard time delivering on a project. Salah allows us a forget all our worldly problems for some time and turn our focus towards Allah (SWT). we must never neglect our devotion to our Lord, as he has power over all things. Even our trivial problems that may seem so important to us are nothing to Allah (SWT).
4. Reminds Us of Our True Purpose
Turning towards Allah (SWT) during Salah also reminds us of our true purpose in the world. We were created not to amass wealth or gain power, nor were we created by Allah (SWT) to make a name for ourselves.
Prayer reminds us that we exist only to serve Allah (SWT). We may become temporarily distracted by the world around us. However, at the end of the day, the only thing that fulfills us spiritually is knowing our purpose as Muslims.
5. Helps Us Practice Piety
Being reminded of Allah (SWT) and our true purpose naturally makes us more pious. Knowing that we will have to face Allah (SWT) in a few hours again and again makes us more fearful of Him.
We are less inclined to sin, though we may be tempted but the thought of defying Allah (SWT) and then standing before Him during Salah is sufficient enough to prevent people from sinning. Similarly, the probability of us doing good deeds also increases as we are concerned about presenting ourselves in front of Allah (SWT) with a clear conscious.
The guilt we feel when we sin is amplified with regular Salah. We cannot ignore dealing with the consequences of our actions. It makes us more accountable for our deeds and this leads to improved behavior and thoughts. Salah alters the way we think and it changes us on a fundamental level in a good way.
6. Connects the Whole Community
Salah may be individual worship, yet it is usually undertaken in congregation. The act of praying Salah in the congregation creates a feeling of unity and cohesion amongst the members of the community. They relate to each other and connect on a spiritual level.
It encourages brotherhood and allows people to forget their differences for the time being and engage in worship as a group. Salah makes the entire Muslim community strong.
Salah as a Spiritual Weapon
Allah (SWT) in His infinite wisdom creates for us ease and comfort. There is nothing more helpful or comforting for a believing Muslim than the offering of the five daily prayers at their specific times. Salah is a shield against bad thoughts and deeds. It pierces the heart of the believer and fills it with faith.
Salah is a true gift of Allah (SWT) to His creations. It is us who fail to comprehend its importance.
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