The ROI of Outsourcing: How Delegating Business Functions Can Boost Your Bottom Line

Outsourcing has come to the rescue of so many businesses. This is especially true given how it is capable of boosting a business’s bottom line.


Sadly, some businesses that should be making the most of it focus too much on the challenges that may or may not come with it. By the way, you can read this study for more information on the said challenges and how to overcome them.

Well, the pros far outweigh the cons, provided it plays out the right way. To this end, some of the benefits especially as it concerns boosting a business’s bottom line will be discussed here.

The Profit Power of Outsourcing: Why Delegating Pays Off

The Profit Power of Outsourcing: Why Delegating Pays Off There are cost implications of outsourcing certain business operations and this is a common reason many businesses shy away from it. Well, this is rather ironic considering the enormous profit potential behind outsourcing. Discussed below are a few points to justify this stance:

1. Focus on Areas of Core Competence

Running a business requires doing more than what you know how to do. For example, accounting and bookkeeping are not among the core competencies of an IT company. Regardless, every IT company would have needs in these regards. As a result, there are two possibilities.

The first is trying to self-handle these operations. The second is outsourcing to professionals who specialize in handling them.

Well, the latter is better for several reasons. One of the major reasons is that it ensures that your focus is not steered away from the things that you are good at. As a result, you can improve your operations along your areas of core competencies, ensuring that time is well managed.

2. Cost Efficiency

Perhaps, you may be asking at this point how focusing on your business’s areas of core competencies offers financial benefits. It does in several ways.

For starters, time is usually wasted getting the hang of operations that you know very little or nothing about. That wasted time translates to unproductive moments, which in turn means loss of revenue-generating possibilities.

Furthermore, there may be financial penalties for not handling certain operations outside of a business’s field of expertise well enough. For example, failure to properly file tax returns can leave you with heavy financial penalties.

Beyond this, outsourcing can even offer more financial rewards. For example, poor customer support as a result of self-handling customer support operations can lead to the loss of prospects. Of course, this is if customer support operations such as call answering are not your business’s area of core competence.

For this reason, it would make sense to outsource this operation to capable hands. Some stats even prove how getting as much as 150% ROI is a possibility with such decisions. So, outsourcing definitely has profit power that should be leveraged.

3. Access of Talent

Incapable people do not execute tasks capably. This all proves the importance of entrusting tasks to the right people.

To this end, you would most likely only understand the processes of hiring the right hands in your field of expertise. For example, an IT firm would most likely understand how to recruit the right fullstack developer.

The same cannot be said about hiring the right customer support team as it is not their field of expertise. This is a major reason to outsource such tasks to professional service providers along that line of work.

For example, a professional service provider that offers call answering and other related services would have access to a talent pool of professionals along this line. So, you would be having capable hands handling your business when such a service provider is engaged.

4. Customer Satisfaction

Outsourcing usually translates into improved business operations on all sides. For starters, in-house staff members do not have to bother themselves with outsourced operations. This allows them to focus on what they know how to do best; increasing the chances of being better at it.

On the other hand, outsourced operations will also be handled by the best hands. Generally, customers notice such improvements and end up being more satisfied.

By the way, this is especially the case when operations that have to do with direct contact with customers are outsourced. One such is call answering and other customer service support operations.

On a Final Note

It would be an exaggeration to say that outsourcing does not present any challenge. However, it is every bit worth it despite the challenges that may be presented. By the way, these are challenges that can be well handled.

Furthermore, it is important that outsourcing is done the right way. This calls for several things including outsourcing the right operations and hiring the right professional service providers.

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Staff Writer at LAFFAZ, Asiya is a keen collector of lesser-known yet significant facts and stories from all across the world and loves presenting them to the masses through her writings.

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