Instant Triple Talaq Bill – Valid or Invalid?

It was a remarkable day for the country, especially the Muslim women citizens of India on August 22, 2017 when the supreme court made a verdict on the instant Triple Talaq or Talaq-e-Biddat.


And now in the month of December, 2017 the Lok Sabha has approved the bill saying Triple talaq to be a criminal offence.

But this judgement was not made over the night. Rather, many women had protested against this policy and even tolerated criticism and hate arising for them. If we name a few from the long list of women who stood up, there was Shayara Bano, 36 from Uttarakhand or Gulshan Parween, 30 who have been the victim of the same but tried to oppose.


Instant Triple talaq – Clearing the misconception

People who don’t have clarity or knowledge about Tripple Talaq has transformed its name to Instant Triple Talaq. The biggest misconception regarding Triple Talaq is that it is not instant. It has to follow a certain set of procedure for a time frame. The three talaqs are pronounced over time, not once.

The first talaq word is said when a man wants to get separated from his wife. But that is not an end to the marriage. The man and women still have to live together for a period of 90 days or three menses of the wife without any sexual intimacy or intercourse. If they succeed, the talaq is granted.

Similarly, the couple can get married and divorced two more times respectively calling for the three talaqs. After the third divorce, there is no way they can get back together and get a nikaah or a marriage done.

But unfortunately the ignorant lads took it to their convenience and started getting divorce over petty means like Whatsapp or on call.

Also, it is important to note that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not support the practice of Tripple Talaq or Talaq-e-Bidat, and it was not followed during his time.

The Verdict

The verdict says that the violator of the law of instant triple talaq in the muslim religion will have to serve a jail term up to three years.

The government can thus bring in Uniform Civil Code which is very important in modernizing the nation and will also ensure that none of the genders gets an upper hand over the other like there used to be in case of Triple Talaq. Women were left devastated and helpless just because their husbands felt like not continuing the marriage. Not only that, the children are the ones who suffer the most in such cases.

It is itself a huge thing to mark the efforts of generally suppressed muslim women to get this practice banned. If nothing, we can at least see this as a step towards empowerment by this set of society. It was important to make these men see that not everything can be done according to their whims and fancies.

Do you have a reason to oppose?

India is a democratic nation, or so they say. But most of the time the women of this nation have ended up being trapped in a maze of societal standards and pressures set by the patriarchy.

Even when the supreme court has justified the course of talaq and illegalized it, there are some whose ego had been hurt. When these women were finally seeing a ray of hope, these chauvinists are again insensibly trying to become obstacles in their path. These people are obsessed with their dominance and control over women. Because if one just decision can be made, there can be others on the way too. If one woman raises her voice, others may get inspired or like they say “provoked” by her. And then there are media rooms and discussion boards on the news channel where these people advocate the cons of the verdict. Seriously? Can they hear what they say?

Ask yourself

Ask yourself how you would feel if you were left stranded in the journey of life all of a sudden. Share your thoughts about this Instant Triple Talaq Bill.


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Nikita Gaur
Nikita Gaur

Hey, I am Nikita, hailing from Jaipur and almost on the verge of becoming an engineer. I am a free spirited person with a weird sense of humor. I love to read, write and speak whenever and wherever possible. As a hobby, I day dream and love to make people laugh!

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