Interview with Nuzhat Jahan – The Author of Lahara

With our tremendous zeal and love for books, we have brought you this conversation with Nuzhat Jahan, the author of Lahara; We Are One. Hailing from Fiji, Nuzhat is a student of Law, Philosophy, and Sharia Law.


She became a qualified coach in 2015 and since then she has been training millennial clients internationally. Lahara, which is her first book, is inspired by the people she met in London throughout her twenties as well as her experiences of high suicide rates in London, loneliness, a dating culture with little meaning, and traveling through the dark tunnels of London’s underground system.

Here’s to our conversation with Nuzhat whilst keeping her book Lahara; We Are One in context…

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Laffaz: What is the genre of Lahara; We Are One Please provide a quick synopsis.

Lahara; We Are One is the first part of the Lahara series, a fiction, magical, and profound saga that explores the meaning of our lives and our dreams. Filled with adventure and mysticism. The lead character ‘Lahara’ uses her unique gift of interpreting dreams to uncover the reality of true oneness within the world.

Laffaz: What was your objective in writing the book?

Inspiration from my own dreams to write a book on dreams.

Laffaz: How did you get the idea of writing this book?

I always felt I had a book in me and started writing when I felt the time was right. The right people and help came to me to complete the journey of writing my book and getting published. It is a bit about destiny.

Laffaz: Who should read the book or who are the target readers?

Currently any age, from teens to thirties. The story sparks a discussion about the meaning of religion in the globalized world today, the dating culture of today, and soulmates.

Laffaz: What value does this book create or what are the takeaways for the readers?

Enhancing the importance of dreams. We all dream, but does it actually mean anything. The book takes on an interesting take on dreams and how one can use dreams to achieve a great life.

Laffaz: What do you like most about the book? is there something exceptional?

The book speaks to the readers. One can reflect their own life into the story. It is inspiring to anyone. No one is left without learning something.

Laffaz: What do you like least about the book?

I love my book, it is my baby!

Laffaz: Suppose you are making a movie based on this book, who will you cast and why?

A 1930s actress, who is classy and poised to play Lahara. It is a book of art, grace, and beautiful things.

Laffaz: Is there any other title that has inspired you to write this book?

The Alchemist, Memoirs of a Geisha, and Forty Rules of Love.

Laffaz: Do you possess any similarity with any of the characters in the book?

Perhaps, Lahara herself being the lead character and the style of the writing is a memoir. Thus, I had to delve into the character to write her.

Laffaz: Did anybody else contribute to the creation of Lahara; We Are One?


Laffaz: Where to purchase Lahara ‘We are One’?

You can buy from Amazon, Book Depository, Fish Pond, Barnes & Noble, and various bookstores around the world. You can order as an E-book, Kindle, or Paperback.

P.S.- For free delivery on paperbacks, buy from Book Depository.

Over to you…

So that was our inspirational talk with Nuzhat. We hope that you have found this conversation inspiring too. If there is something that you wish to put forward like a question or suggestion, we are all ears to it!!

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