How to streamline the first year of your new company

Your first year on the market is likely going to be quite stressful. There is a lot of ground to cover, and lots of potential to slip up and make a crucial mistake. If you want to maximize your chance of success, you should focus on a few specific areas and prioritize them above others. This will allow you to build the company on a stable foundation, which will play a major role in developing it further once you’ve established a place on the market. Let’s take a look at some of the points you should probably consider first.


Marketing Starts Before Product Design

There’s a misconception that unfortunately still remains popular among some beginner entrepreneurs – that it’s okay to build your product first, and then figure out how you want to market it. In reality, you’ll always want to do the exact opposite. Study the market first, identify some need that’s still not fulfilled, and figure out if you can fit into that situation somehow. Your entire product’s design should be based around that marketing research in the first place. Otherwise, you’re essentially gambling for your success on the market, and you’ll usually end up dissatisfied with the results from that approach.

Get Your Internal Infrastructure in Order from the Start

Something that can quickly drain your finances in the beginning if you’re not careful is your internal infrastructure. Especially when it comes to things like managed IT services and other maintenance services. These are things you will probably want to outsource instead of handling them internally. Not only will this be cheaper, but it will also provide you with more flexible options for handling those critical moments. As you scale up your operations, you can start to think of options for internal departments. But until then, try to keep as much as you can outside of the company itself.

Leverage All Available Resources

Last but not least, remember that a startup usually has a lot of resources it can leverage, and you should be proactive about that if you want to see success. Take a look around government grants and similar programs, for example. It’s surprising how many entrepreneurs choose to completely forego those options, even though they could theoretically benefit them significantly. Don’t be afraid to take out an early loan if you know how to invest it into your operations and scale them up adequately. Any boost you can get early on is going to go a long way towards stabilizing your company as a whole later on.

The most important thing is to remain as flexible as you can. All of the above minimizes the risk of having to make serious adjustments on short notice, which is usually a major source of problems for companies in their early stages. Do as much as you can to stabilize your position in the beginning, and you’re going to have a much easier time scaling things up once you have been on the market for a while and have tested the waters.

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Neha Bamba
Neha Bamba

An Educational Researcher at CareerTips4U with a decade long experience in providing information about various professional courses and training institutes all over India with an aim to help people to make the right career advice and grow professionally & personally.

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