Virtual Data Rooms as secure enterprise document- sharing platforms

Featured image: Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels


Data sharing is very important for communicating within an enterprise or between enterprises. In this age of technology, sharing data has got better as you are able to share vital data via emails, texts, and the likes. But, how secure are these platforms?

Virtual data rooms (VDRs) are secure online repositories that make secure data storage and transfer possible. Data security ensures that your vital and confidential enterprise information does not fall into the wrong hands. VDRs such as DealRoom and SecureDocs is designed with features that ensure data confidentiality.

Benefits of Virtual Data Rooms

Virtual Data Rooms benefit enterprises in some of the following ways;

  • Data Encryption network
  • Virtual and online room for data storage rather than the physical data room that is susceptible to hazards.
  • Access to vital documents by only authorized members and transacting parties.
  • Data monitoring allows you to keep tabs on all activities in the data room and to know when data is accessed.

Some Common Virtual Data Rooms

Since virtual data rooms are the new platforms for sharing documents securely, more virtual data rooms are springing up. Here are the top six (6) virtual data rooms used by enterprises;


DealRoom is one of the very renowned VDRs that allow secure sharing of sensitive documents during any deal or transaction. Deal Room’s secure encryption network ensures that all vital documents involved in enterprise transactions are kept safe from third parties or hackers. With DealRoom, our enterprise can easily collaborate and communicate with no interruptions.

Google Drive

Known for its cloud storage space of at least 15GB, Google drive is ideal for office and organizational document transfers. Document formats such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets can be securely shared as well as visual contents such as images and videos.


Firmex virtual data room is widely used for enterprise data sharing and in processes such as due diligence, litigation, and others. As a result of its security features such as watermarking, access permission requests, document control, Firmex is very secure and it is in use in many essential sectors such as legal, banking, and investment sectors.


Digify is a virtual data room designed to monitor vital documents during data sharing. With features such as file tracking and watermarking, Digify ensures that all documents stored in its data room are safe and can be easily traced. Any documents shared or printed from its data room can easily be tracked.


SecureDocs with its simple and user-friendly interface is secure and it allows your enterprise to conclude deals faster and easier. Its drag and drop feature ensures that all documents are well arranged and sorted. Unlike the conventional physical data room where files are difficult to search out, SecureDocs facilitate easy file search and referencing. For security purposes, SecureDocs uses IP tracking to monitor where or when any document stored in your data room is being accessed.


iDeals virtual data room is an exceptional data room designed for speedy and effective due diligence processes during mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, IPO, and others. This data room is widely used in different fields where data storage and safe data sharing is of utmost concern.

Only authorized users with permissions can access the vital documents stored and shared in iDeals virtual data room for any enterprise. As a result of its 256-bit encryption network, audit logs, and other security measures, iDeals provide optimum protection for all confidential documents shared in your enterprise’s virtual data room.

In summary

As stated earlier, data security is very important to any enterprise or organization. It is indeed the bedrock of any enterprise. The effects of losing data could be disastrous; therefore, each enterprise has to be concerned about data security.

If you are looking to preserve and share sensitive documents relating to your enterprise, Virtual data rooms are the most reliable platforms to do this. Sensitive data could range from the personal details of your workers, credit card information of clients as well as vital documents relating to business transactions. All these are to be kept safe from hackers and cybercriminals. Virtual Data rooms such as DealRoom, SecureDocs and he likes are your best choice to secure your legal, business, or financial transactions documents.

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Lori Wade
Lori Wade

Lori Wade is a writer who is interested in a wide range of spheres from business to entrepreneurship and new technologies. If you are interested in M&A or the virtual data room industry, you can find her on LinkedIn.

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