Chezuba – Connecting the Dots Between NGOs and Volunteers Worldwide

Founded in October 2017 by Sukhendra Reddy Rompally (CEO), Adela Strakova (CXO) and Jagan Kothacharla Chezuba (COO) is a global online volunteering platform facilitating skilled professionals from across the globe in assisting NGOs worldwide through online volunteering projects. One can now actually make an impact from home by simply joining and leveraging the community on Chezuba platform.


Market Map

The Hyderabad-based social impact firm primarily targets NGOs from India and Africa, millennials from South Asia, and Eastern Europe. Chezuba is a global team of 21 people from 6 countries, NGOs from 30 countries and volunteers from 100 countries registered on their platform.

Chezuba team – Image source: Supplied

Projects accomplished

Chezuba is consistently leaving its footprints throughout its trail of bringing together the NGOs and volunteers globally. Until now, over 400 projects have been matched on Chezuba, ranging from Social media, graphic designing, content writing to IT, translations, Budgeting, report-making, etc.

Let’s know about one of these projects which went immensely remarkable…

SOS Children’s Villages in Kyrgyzstan (one of the partner NGOs of Chezuba) wanted to send gratitude letters to international donors. The letters were written by kids in Russian or Kyrgyz, whichever they were comfortable with. Chezuba’s volunteers from Russia helped translate these letters to English – whilst Chezuba’s international volunteers from Australia, India, Nigeria, Germany, and Slovakia helped proofread these letters online before they are sent out to the donors.

You can explore Chezuba’s open and matched projects on their Projects page.


Chezuba is a tech approach towards connecting NGOs with volunteers seamlessly through its platform. Volunteering is made incredibly easy, accessible and fun! NGOs can save thousands of dollars every year by outsourcing their tasks to volunteers worldwide thereby making them more efficient.

A strong affirmation to this fact comes from Lakshmi – a Chezuba volunteer from India who wrote a fundraising proposal for Chezuba’s partner NGO CRAYON, says…

“Volunteers do not necessarily have time, they just have the heart.”
“That stood true for me when I was earnestly looking for volunteering opportunities as a writer/teacher while juggling between two jobs. That is when I found Chezuba. If you are someone with excellent social media skills, writing, website building or any of the modern skills which are needed for an organization to thrive today, why not offer those in the service of those who are in need? Chezuba is that perfect platform which connects NGOs with volunteers who have these skills and what results is a beautiful collaboration that enriches and empowers. With less time for on-site volunteering, Chezuba was a boon for me, for I discovered a new side to the art of volunteering. You just need the will and heart to do something! Chezuba helped me do just that.”

Growth Plans

The company has raised a total of $84,200 until now from various angel investors across India, USA, Australia, Taiwan, and Canada. And aims to expand its presence and userbase with a pre-Series A funding in the coming months.

In a recent interview with LAFFAZ, Rompally said…

“Ideas don’t change the world, people do. Focus on finding people who can add life to your ideas. Same goes with Chezuba, a team of highly spirited people,  an ever-growing community and a platform that  makes creating impact as easy as ordering food or finding a date!”

Editor’s note

In my opinion, Chezuba is a brilliant idea that completely bypasses logistical concerns for NGOs and volunteers. At the same time, bringing an online platform in place directly evokes interest in people to volunteer and contribute, since it is the internet now, it is cost-effective and time-saving. It is like making the much-needed use of technology to address social concerns globally and bringing the change in the most efficient way possible.

As Dean Kamen rightly said…

“Every once in a while, a new technology, an old problem, and a big idea turn into an innovation.”

In Summary…

Chezuba is a global team of 21 people from 6 countries, NGOs from 30 countries and volunteers from 100 countries registered on their platform.

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Pradeep Singh
Pradeep Singh

Former interim CTO at LAFFAZ. A full-stack developer, possessing 6+ years of experience in working closely with tech startups in India and UAE.

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