MINT Incubator’s Fall’19 applications are Open for Intensive 3-month Program

MINT Incubator by EGBANK comes to you in partnership with Cairo Angels, Egypt’s first formal angel investment network, investing in and supporting early-stage startups in Egypt and across the MENA region. Since its launch, MINT Incubator has worked with over 100 startups across three different cycles and graduated 31 startups. Four of these startups have already closed 6-figure seed investment in our first year from organizations such as 500 Startups and individual angel investors. Moemen Salem, who just recently joined EGBANK as the new Head of Youth Banking – MINT, said…


“MINT Incubator by EGBANK is closely aligned with the Bank’s strategic direction to guide & empower youth across the country. MINT Incubator has been positively impacting its startups since its inception and I’m confident that it will continue to do so for the upcoming cycle and beyond”.

What’s unique about our program is that the partnership between EGBANK and Cairo Angels allows us to provide mentorship on both fronts; the investment perspective and the corporate perspective.  Adding to that, each startup is paired with top class mentors who are largely entrepreneurs, angel investors, or industry experts that will provide customized support and guidance throughout the program.  Our mentors have gone through countless startups, giving them enough insights to be able to provide them with shortcuts across disciplines that would otherwise be unattainable.

MINT Incubator provides a series of different workshops that will address key areas to help accelerate the startups’ growth, in addition to one-on-ones after workshops that allow entrepreneurs to adapt what they learned directly into the startup. These workshops will enhance the teams’ know-how and are centered around the following pillars; financials, product development, marketing and sales, and management. The General Manager of Cairo Angels, Zeina Mandour said…

“The program has helped startups work on their operations to enable them to grow in a healthy way and meet the standards we set for them. The goal of any workshop is to strengthen the entrepreneurs in areas directly related to the stage they are in. Cairo Angels is proud to announce the Fall ’19 cycle, the 4th MINT Incubator Cycle”.

Other benefits of the program include access to free tools and applications, a co-working space in Downtown Cairo, and networking sessions with key ecosystem stakeholders. MINT Incubator also facilitates the legal registration for its startups while also giving them access to a pool of perks offered by its network of partners aimed at helping startups scale their operations. The cycle will conclude with a demo day where entrepreneurs will get the chance to meet with investors and begin raising funds as an investment-ready startup.

MINT Incubator is excited to announce that the online applications for the Fall ’19 cycle are out. We select 10-12 startups to join our program.  If you are a founder that has developed a prototype or MVP, apply now to MINT Incubator to turn it into a scaling startup. Click HERE to apply!

This news first appeared on Magnitt

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